
Authentic Belt Stud Replicas for the Viking Re-enactment made of genuine Bronze

Here you can buy replicas of Viking Age belt studs and authentic bronze mounts.Continue ...

The replicas of Viking-period belt fittings that you can buy in our medieval mail-order shop are made true to detail according to historical models from the Viking Age from high-quality bronze casting and are also available in genuine silver-plated. You will find authentic Viking belt fittings based on finds from Birka, Gotland and Gnezdovo as well as detailed reproductions of Magyar decorative fittings. You are sure to find a suitable bronze fitting to make your own authentic Viking belt.Show less

Retailers for LARP or medieval re-enactment are welcome to register for our medieval wholesale store.

show 1 to 40 (out of a total of 40 articles)
Ringerike style strap end - bronze
09 End Knot 2 Knot work Viking fitting, inspired from a Viking buckle finding from Gotland and serves as strap end. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 1.8 x 2.5...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,87 €* 1-2 Days
Magyar belt fitting - bronze
08 ZN Karos Replica of a Magyar belt stud with the depiction of a bearded face according to a find of the Viking Era. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 1.5 x...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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2,09 €* 1-2 Days
Viking raven stud - silver plated
08 ZN Raven Faithful replica of a Viking belt stud in the shape of a stylized raven according to a find from Novgorod / Russia. Bronze, silver-plated or 925...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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2,09 €* 1-2 Days
Viking belt stud - bronze
08 ZN Face Replica of a Viking belt stud with the depiction of a bearded face according to an original Viking find. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 1.5 x...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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2,09 €* 1-2 Days
Rus belt mount Chernigov - bronze
08 ZN Rus 2 Authentic replica of a Rus belt stud of the 10th century according to a Viking find from Chernigov / Ukraine. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2 x...
3-4 weeks Status:3-4 weeks
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2,93 €* 3-4 weeks
Gripping beast fitting - silver plated
08 ZN Noreg An expressive Viking mount with gripping beast in so-called Borre Style after a historical model from Norway. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.5...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,03 €* 1-2 Days
Diamond shaped mount - bronze
08 ZN Raute Diamond shaped Magyar belt stud replica of the Viking Era according to an original finding. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.5 x 1.2 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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2,93 €* 1-2 Days
Viking belt fitting from Birka - bronze
08 ZN Wi-Knot Viking belt mount with Knot work after an original model from Birka / Sweden. 10th Century. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 1.5 x 1.4 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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3,35 €* 1-2 Days
Viking pouch fitting replica - bronze
08 ZN RBT Replica of a Viking bag rim fitting for the edge of a pocket flap after an original find from Birka / Björkö. Bronze, silver-plated or 925...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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3,35 €* 1-2 Days
Vikin fitting from Birka - bronze
08 ZN Orient Kl Oriental Viking fitting replica after a find from Birka / Sweden for crafting authentic Viking belts. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 1.5 x 1.4...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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3,35 €* 1-2 Days
Viking mount with ring - silver plated
08 ZN Cherni - RI Viking mount replica with attached ring after a find Chernigov / Ukraine. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.5 x 2.2 cm. Ring 1.5 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Viking mount with ring - silver plated
08 ZN Heart - RI heart shaped Viking belt stud replica with attached ring after a find from Birka / Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.4 x 2 cm. Ring 1.5...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Viking fitting from Birka - bronze
08 ZN Ori - RI Oriental Viking fitting replica with attached ring after a find from Birka / Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.4 x 2.2 cm. Ring 1.5 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Viking belt stud Birka Wolf - bronze
08 ZN BiFU Replica of a Viking belt stud with the so-called Birka-Wolf" according to a find from Birka (Sweden). Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.2 x 1.8...
3-4 weeks Status:3-4 weeks
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3,35 €* 3-4 weeks
Viking belt fitting - silver plated
08 ZN Birka Qu Viking mount replica according to an original find from Birka / Björkö (Sweden) which served for decoration of a pouch strap. 1.5 x 1.3...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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2,93 €* 1-2 Days
Birka strap end fitting - bronze
08 ZN Birka En Viking strap end fitting according to an original find from Birka / Björkö (Sweden) which served for decoration of a pouch strap. 2 x 1.3...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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2,93 €* 1-2 Days
Rus pouch fitting with Trident
08 ZN Dreiz Detailed replica of a Rus pouch fitting with the depiction of a Tryzub trident, based on a find from Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 1.8...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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3,77 €* 1-2 Days
Heart shaped belt stud - silver plated
08 ZN Bulgar Authentic replica of a heart shaped belt stud of the Viking Era according to a find from Bulgaria. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.2 x 1.7 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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3,77 €* 1-2 Days
Fitting from Birka 1074 - silver plated
08 ZN 1074 hoch Viking strap fitting replica according to an original find from burial 1074 in Birka / Björkö (Sweden) which served for a belt strap. 2.5...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Belt fitting Birka 1074 - silver plated
08 ZN 1074 breit Viking belt fitting replica according to an original find from grave 1074 in Birka / Björkö (Sweden) which served for a belt strap. 2.5 x...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Viking belt fitting - bronze
08 ZN Groet Viking belt mount replica according to a historical model from the Church of Grötlingbo on Gotland / Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver....
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Heart shaped fitting - silver plated
08 ZN Herz Authentic replica of a heart shaped Viking belt fitting of the 10th century according to a find from Gotland. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.1...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Heart shaped belt stud - bronze
08 ZN Gap Authentic replica of a Magyar belt fitting with gap after a find of the 10th century. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.1 x 1.9 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Viking belt stud - silver plated
08 ZN Hellvi Replica of a Viking belt stud in Borre Style according to an original find from Adelsö (Sweden). Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.2 x 1.8...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Viking-era belt stud replica - bronze
08 ZN Smolensk Replica of a Viking belt stud in Borre style according to an original find from Smolensk (Ukraine) Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.5 x 1.8 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Viking stud - silver plated
08 ZN KnWerk Replica of a Viking bronze stud with knot work motif according to an original find of the Viking era. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2 x 1.8 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Mammen style belt fitting - bronze
08 ZN Wi-Mammen Viking belt fitting replica in Mammen Style according to a historical model of the Viking age. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver 2. x 1.8 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Fitting in Urnes Style - silver plated
08 ZN Urnes Bronze Fitting in the shape of two Serpents, inspired by historical models in the Urnes style of the late Viking Age. Bronze, silver-plated or 925...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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4,19 €* 1-2 Days
Viking belt fitting - silver plated
08 ZN Bodo Viking belt fitting after a historical model from Norway. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.5 cm diameter.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,03 €* 1-2 Days
Björkö belt stud of bronze
08 ZN Dom Faithful replica of an oriental Viking belt stud according to an original find from Birka / Björkö (Sweden). Bronze, silver-plated or 925...
3-4 weeks Status:3-4 weeks
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5,03 €* 3-4 weeks
Magyar Viking belt fitting - bronze
08 ZN DZ Open work Magyar mount from Birka with gap for a strap, after a find from grave Bj 1125B.. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 4 x 1.8 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,03 €* 1-2 Days
Viking bag fitting - bronze
08 ZN Diamant Diamond shaped Magyar bag fitting replica of the Viking Era according to an original find. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.4 x 2.4 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,03 €* 1-2 Days
Vendel raven mount - bronze
08 ZN Rabe - L Raven fitting from the Scandinavian Vendel era after a model from the isle of Gotland. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 3.5 x 2 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,03 €* 1-2 Days
Vendel raven fitting - silver plated
08 ZN Rabe - R Right-hand raven mount from the Scandinavian Vendel era, after an original find from the isle of Gotland / Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,03 €* 1-2 Days
Belt ftiitng from Gokstad - silver plated
08 ZN Gokstad Replica of a Viking belt fitting with the motif of a horseman with lance after a find from Gokstad. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 3 cm...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,87 €* 1-2 Days
Viking belt fitting - bronze
08 ZN Flecht Replica of a Viking belt fitting with braided ornament in so-called Borre Style for crafting historical belts. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. Ø...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,87 €* 1-2 Days
Viking belt mount - silver plated
08 ZN Wik-Bird Viking belt mount with the depiction of a bird in Mammen Style after a historical model from England. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver 2.5. x 2.5...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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5,87 €* 1-2 Days
Viking pouch fitting replica - bronze
08 ZN Corner Replica of a Viking pouch fitting for the flap of a Viking pouch after a find from Birka / Björkö. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 2.4...
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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8,40 €* 1-2 Days
Vendel era belt fitting - bronze
08 ZN Vendel Vendel style belt fitting according to historical models from Valsgärde and Vendel in Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 4.4 x 2.4 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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8,40 €* 1-2 Days
Birka bag fitting - bronze
07 TaB Tarsoly Faithful tarsoly bag fitting replica of the Viking era according to a find from Birka / Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 3.5 x 3.5 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
Quick Order
10,08 €* 1-2 Days
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