Historical archery equipment for the archer in medieval and Viking re-enactment
Here you can buy arrowheads and archery accessories for Viking and medieval re-enactment.Continue ...
In our medieval shop you will find a fine selection of
replicas of arrowheads, based on historical models from the Middle Ages and the Viking Age. The arrowheads of the Teutons and Vikings were often provided with a tang, whereas the medieval arrowheads had a spout that was placed on the arrow shaft.
We offer both versions of arrowheads in our shop. You can also
buy arrow quivers here, made in the style of the Middle Ages or the Viking Age, as well as historical arm guards for the medieval and Viking archers, either with embossing or with classic simplicity.
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Retailers for LARP or medieval re-enactment are welcome to register for our medieval wholesale store.
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Dealers for museum supplies, medieval and Viking re-enactment or LARP are cordially invited to register as retailer for
wholesale in Pera Peri's medieval shop. We guarantee the best quality at good prices with short delivery times!