Replicas of viking trefoil brooches after historical models of the Middle Ages

Here you can buy detailed and authentic replicas of Viking trefoil brooches.Continue ...

Buy Trefoil Brooches In our medieval shop we offer authentic Viking jewellery, such as faithfully crafted replicas of Viking trefoil brooches, which were made according to historical models.
Our Viking trefoil brooches are made of high-quality bronze casting and are also available in genuine silver-plated. The trefoil brooch was a special characteristic of Viking women's costume and descended from Frankish sword-belt fittings.
The trefoil brooch was usually worn in the centre of the chest, where it closed a shirt neckline or held a cape We are certain that you will find here the right Viking trefoil brooch to complete your historical garb. Show less

Retailers for LARP or medieval re-enactment are welcome to register for our medieval wholesale store.

show 1 to 7 (out of a total of 7 articles)
Trefoil viking broch - bronze
07 Br Klee 1 Borre style trefoil brooch after a historical sample of the Viking era from Smolensk / RU. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 4.5 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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15,12 €* 1-2 Days
Viking trefoil brooch - bronze
07 Br Klee 6 Viking trefoil brooch according to a find of the Viking era from Norway. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5.5 x 5.5 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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18,48 €* 1-2 Days
Silver plated trefoil brooch
07 Br Klee 7 Borre style Viking trefoil brooch according to a find from Upland / Norway. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5 x 5 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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23,52 €* 1-2 Days
Silver plated Viking trefoil brooch
07 Br Klee 2 Borre style trefoil brooch from Tranby according to a find of the Viking era from Norway. Made from Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 5.2 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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26,88 €* 1-2 Days
Trefoil viking broch - bronze
07 Br Klee 3 Viking trefoil brooch replica according to an original find from the Viking era found in Värnamo / Sweden. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver....
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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27,72 €* 1-2 Days
Trefoil brooch with gripping beast
07 Br Klee 5 Viking trefoil brooch with gripping beasts in Oseberg Style according to a find from Kaupang / Norway. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 6,5 cm.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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29,40 €* 1-2 Days
Silver plated trefoil brooch replica
07 Br Klee 4 Replica of the trefoil brooch from Story Ryk according to an original of the Viking era found in Sweden. 7 cm. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver.
1-2 Days Status:1-2 Days
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31,92 €* 1-2 Days
Dealers for museum supplies, medieval and Viking re-enactment or LARP are cordially invited to register as retailer for wholesale in Pera Peri's medieval shop. We guarantee the best quality at good prices with short delivery times!

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