Medieval jewellery replicas. Buy authentic ring brooches of the Middle Ages.
Here you can buy faithfully crafted medieval brooch replicas based on historical models.
In our medieval shop you will find a beautiful selection of authentic replicas of high medieval brooches and late medieval cloak clasps, which are made of high-quality bronze and in genuine silver-plated. You can buy detailed replicas of medieval garment clasps that were made according to original finds. In addition to disc brooches with enamel or gemstone inlays, so-called annular brooches were particularly widespread in the High Middle Ages and were used to close the neckline of the shirt. In the category "Early Medieval brooches" you can also buy replicas of medieval bow brooches with inlays of cloisonné. You are sure to find an authentic brooch or clasp for your medieval garb or as a stylish jewellery for everyday life.
Retailers for LARP or medieval re-enactment are welcome to register for our medieval wholesale store.
Dealers for museum supplies, medieval and Viking re-enactment or LARP are cordially invited to register as retailer for wholesale in Pera Peri's medieval shop. We guarantee the best quality at good prices with short delivery times!