
We create detailed museum replicas according to your needs! We create detailed museum replicas according to your needs!

Do you run a medieval store or a museum shop and would like to offer replicas of museum quality from a historical original? Then you are at the right place at Pera Peris!

Do you want to give visitors the opportunity to purchase a reasonably priced replica of the artifacts displayed in your museum? Experience shows that visitors are often interested.

Through our many years of experience and close partnership with various manufacturing facilities in several countries, we are able to create replicas of historical originals for your museum or your business in a timely and cost-effective way.

For this, we only need a drawing or picture of the original with measurements to then offer you the desired replicas in a timely manner.

On request, we also produce a flyer or card to the respective replica. You can thus provide additional information on the historical original, its meaning, the find context and also pictures - so the museum visitor, even after leaving the museum, retains a lasting impression of the exhibition.

Our specialty is replication according to archaeological findings from different epochs, made of zamak or bronze or in silver-plated version. They are, in general, historical items of use and jewellery, such as bracelets, pendants / amulets, bracelets, necklaces, as well as everyday objects for the home, yard and kitchen forged in iron. Beautiful and useful things from leather, wood, bone, horn and glass complete our assortment.

Here are some examples:

- Replicas of pendants, brooches, bracelets and bronze brooches
- replicas of historical leather bags and belts with castings from Zamak
- Replicas of needles, combs and beakers of bone
- replicas of forged household goods and fittings of iron
- Replicas of bowls, spoons, combs and ornaments from horn
- replicas of historical knives, forks and metal cutlery
- replicas of historic spoons, ladles and bowls in wood

Do you have any other wishes? Let us know - we make it possible!

Contact: Peer Carstens
0049 (0) 3504 611447

Your advantages

  • Large selection
  • Availability display
  • tracking
  • Smart shop navigation
  • Friendly customer service

Safe shopping

  • 14 days right of withdrawal
  • Over 25 years experience
  • Fast money back
  • Good returns management
  • Professional order processing

Customer service

Tue | Thu | Fr | from 10-12 and 13-15
phone+49 (0)3504-625 85 15

Payment methods

PayPal Mastercard Visa Vorkasse / Moneyorder

Shipping methods


Social media

*All prices incl. VAT, incl. packaging costs, plus Shipping costs plus any customs duties (for non-EU countries). Crossed out prices correspond to the previous price at peraperis.com.
© 2024 Pera Peris - Haus der Historie
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