Slavic Amulet Replicas of the Viking Age in Bronze and Silver Plated
Here you can buy detailed replicas of Slavic amulets and pendants of the Viking Age.Continue ...
In our medieval shop you can buy the detailed replica of a pendant of the West Slavs or an amulet of the Rus based on historical finds from the Viking Age, made of high-quality bronze casting and in real silver plated, perfect for your historical clothing. We offer Slavic disc amulets with filigree granulation decoration, true to detail replicas of crucifixes and cross pendants from the Viking Age, typical Lunula or Lunitsa charms and many other amulets. These replicas of Rus and Slavic pendants are a noble addition to authentic Viking and medieval re-enactment and are equally suitable as ambitious jewellery for everyday life.Show less
Retailers for LARP or medieval re-enactment are welcome to register for our medieval wholesale store.
Dealers for museum supplies, medieval and Viking re-enactment or LARP are cordially invited to register as retailer for wholesale in Pera Peri's medieval shop. We guarantee the best quality at good prices with short delivery times!