Sadly these Medieval and Viking Re-enactment products are recently sold out

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Since we regularly check and change the inventory of our medieval shop, there are always products that we no longer have in our regular range. These can be medieval items for which the demand was too low, which did not meet our high quality criteria or for which the availability was difficult - goods that in any case could no longer be procured for a longer period of time and therefore no longer available for an indefinite period can be obtained. So that you do not have to search these medieval items, which may have recently been ordered, unsuccessfully in the entire shop, we have compiled all sold out goods here. However, this does not mean that we may not be able to offer these products to you again at a later date.Show less

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show 1 to 111 (out of a total of 111 articles)
Jingle bell - cross-slot head
06 K-Rolle 302 XS Jingle bell with cross-slot head in the shape of Medieval bells. Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 14 mm diameter.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
0,21 €* Sold out
Jingle bell - cross-shaped
06 K-Rolle 304 M Jingle bell with cross-slot head in the shape of Medieval bells. Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 19 mm diameter.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
0,41 €* Sold out
Bells/ Jingle bell - cross
06 K-Rolle 305 L Jingle bell with cross-slot head in the shape of Medieval bells. Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 22 mm diameter.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
0,58 €* Sold out
Suede leather lace
05 Wild-Band Suede leather lace in various length and colours for all kinds of leather crafts. 5 x 1.5 mm. 100 cm
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
0,83 €* Sold out
Vulcanized fiber - black
02 Fiber KL A sheet of vulcanized fiber which suits perfectly as an additional layer for crafting unique knife handle by your own. 100 x 50 x 1 mm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
0,83 €* Sold out
Soldered round ring
05 O-Ring 30 Soldered round ring for all sorts of crafts and uses in LARP and Medieval re-enactment. Inner Ø 30 mm. 4 mm thick.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
1,17 €* Sold out
Rundring 48/40 mm - 4 mm
05 O-Ring 40 Soldered round ring for all sorts of crafts and uses in LARP and Medieval re-enactment. Inner Ø 40 mm. 4 mm thick.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
1,34 €* Sold out
Hand forged iron nail
16 Nagel 1F Flat headed nail after models of the Middle Ages forged by hand from a piece of iron as authentic equipment for Medieval re-enactment. 5  x 1.5...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
1,67 €* Sold out
Hand forged iron nail - square
16 Nagel SQ 1 Small square shaped nail after models of the Middle Ages forged by hand from a piece of iron as authentic equipment for Medieval re-enactment. 3.5 x...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
1,67 €* Sold out
Soldered round ring
05 O-Ring 45 Soldered round ring for all sorts of crafts and uses in LARP and Medieval re-enactment. Inner Ø 45 mm. 5 mm thick.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
1,67 €* Sold out
Viking coin replica - front side
00 Coin Raven Raven penny - Viking coin replica with raven motif from the time of the Viking king Anlaf Guthfrithsson. Made from brass. 2 cm diameter.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
1,67 €* Sold out
Soldered round ring
05 Ring O 50/40 Soldered round ring for all sorts of crafts and uses in LARP and Medieval re-enactment. Inner Ø 4 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
2,51 €* Sold out
Hand forged Medieval iron buckle
16 Ei-S 12 Hand forged medieval buckle replica for a belt of 1.2 cm width made from iron after historical models of the Middle Ages and the Viking Era. 2 x 2 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
2,51 €* Sold out
Hand forged iron nail replica
16 Nagel HS 5 SA Large sized nail after models of the Middle Ages forged by hand from a piece of iron as authentic equipment for Medieval re-enactment. 5 x 2.2 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
2,93 €* Sold out
D-Ring - 3 cm
05 D-Ring 3 / 10 D-Ring for all sorts of crafts and uses in LARP and Medieval re-enactment. 3 cm. 3.5 mm strength. 10 pcs.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
3,32 €* Sold out
Belt Connector "Ggripping Beast"
08 RiV Tierstil Belt connector fitting, showing a Gripping Beast from the Viking Age, for a 2 cm wide strap. Zamak in silver or brass color. Ø 1.6 x 2.3 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
3,32 €* Sold out
Belt connector Viking Dragon
08 RiV Borre Viking style belt connector with dragon in Borre Style for straps of 3.5 - 4 cm width. Zamak in silver or brass color. 3.5 x 3.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
3,32 €* Sold out
Belt connector Oeseberg
08 RiV Oseberg Viking style belt connector fitting with a knot motiv from Oseberg for straps of 3.5 - 4 cm width. Zamak in silver or bronze color. 3.5 x 3.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
3,35 €* Sold out
Medieval mount - Rosette
08 Ma-3 Rosette Medieval mount replica. Fitting for historical belts and bags in LARP and re-enactment. Zamak in silver or brass color. Ø 3.3 cm
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
3,35 €* Sold out
Viking raven amulet - brass
00 Jaro-Rabe 1 Amulet in the shape of a raven after a pendant of the Viking era. The original was found in Jaroslav / Russia. Zamak in brass or silver...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
3,35 €* Sold out
Soldered round ring
05 Ring O 64/50 6.4 cm wide soldered round ring for all sorts of crafts and uses in LARP and Medieval re-enactment. Inner Ø 5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
3,35 €* Sold out
Soldered round ring
05 Ring O 58/45 Soldered round ring for all sorts of crafts and uses in LARP and Medieval re-enactment. Inner Ø 4.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
3,77 €* Sold out
Terslev Amulet of Hedeby
00 Haithabu 2 Viking amulet replica from Hedeby with filigree design in the Terslev style of the late Viking era Zamak in brass or silver color. 3.2 x 2.7 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
4,19 €* Sold out
Sword pendant - silver color
00 Schwert 2 Pendant in the shape of a typical sword of the Viking era. With cotton cord. Zamak in silver or brass color. 9 x 1.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
4,19 €* Sold out
Midgard serpent pendant
00 Midg-Schl 2 Viking dragon pendant with a striking design, inspired by the jewellery of the Viking era. With cotton cord. Zamak in brass or silver color. 4.5 x 2...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
4,19 €* Sold out
Tuna valkyrie pendant
00 Walkuere 2 Viking amulet with the depiction of a valkyrie after an original sample from Tuna / Sweden. Zamak in silver or brass color. 3.5 x 1.5 cm
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
4,19 €* Sold out
Midgard serpent amulet -brass
00 Midg-DK 2 Viking pendant with a depiction of the Midgard Serpent based on historical models of the Viking Era. Zamak in brass or silver color. 3.3 x 2.7 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
Instead of 4,19 € 3,35 €* Sold out
Medieval Cross Amulet - brass color
00 Tatz-kreuz 1 Amulet in the shape of a cross in the style of the Middle Ages. With cotton cord. Zamak in brass or silver color. 3.5 x 2.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
4,19 €* Sold out
Tinder from Cattail
16 Zunder NIT Well dried and nitrated cattail tinder from Bulrush (Typha) in a plastic bag for making fire by use flint stone and fire striker. 2 g.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
4,19 €* Sold out
Midgard Serpent amulet
00 Urnes-Schl 3 Viking pendant in Urnes Style with an open work Midgard Serpent after examples of the late Viking era. Zamak in bronze or silver color 5 x 2.5 cm
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,03 €* Sold out
Lunula pendant - silver colour
00 Lunula 3 Lunula amulet of the Viking era. Detailed replica of a Slavic crescent pendant from Great Moravia. Zamak in brass or silver color. 3 x 4 cm
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,03 €* Sold out
Viking Key replica forged from iron
16 An Key Viking Key replica based on an original model from Sweden found on Gotland. Forged by hand from a piece of iron. 7.5 x 3 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,03 €* Sold out
Medieval stoneware bottle
15 Stzgfl 05 Stoneware bottle in the style of the Middle Ages with a half litre capacity and a stylish wooden handle cork. 23.5 x 8.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,03 €* Sold out
Candle holder - Middle Ages
13 Mönchslicht Brass candle holder replica of the late Middle Ages as used by Monks when travelling. 6 x 4 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,84 €* Sold out
Viking garment clasp
06 GWS Borre Viking Borre style garment clasp fpr Closing historic garments, robes and gowns. Available in bronze or silver plated. 7 x 1.8 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,87 €* Sold out
Midgard Serpent pendnat
00 Midg-Schl 4 Viking dragon pendant with a striking design, inspired by the jewellery of the Viking Era. With cotton cord. Zamak in brass or silver color. 6.5 x 3...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
Instead of 5,87 € 4,11 €* Sold out
Hand forged wall hook Fleur de Lys
16 Hak Lilie Hand forged wall hook made from iron in the shape of a Fleur de Lys based on historical models of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 12 x 5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,87 €* Sold out
Viking ring brooch made of iron
16 Fi klein 2 SA This small ring brooch has a diameter of 5 cm and was widely used in the Viking period as part of the drapery. Made of forged iron.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,87 €* Sold out
Hand forged Medieval hinge
16 Schar Tru 4 Forged iron casket hinge with artfully rolled ends in the Style of the Middle Ages for crafting an authentic chest in Medieval re-enactment. 10 x 7...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,87 €* Sold out
Viking ring brooch
16 Fi Medium This ring brooch has a diameter of 5 cm and was widely used in the Viking period as part of the drapery. Made of forged iron.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,87 €* Sold out
Multi layer handle scantling
02 Block Mul s Scantling of black-anthracite multi layer wood which suits for crafting a unique handle of an own knife. 12 x 4 x 3 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
5,87 €* Sold out
Red horn slab - water buffalo
02 Horn-Qu 10 r Horn scale from real water buffalo horn red colored. Perfekt for making knive handles. 12 x 4 x 1 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
6,68 €* Sold out
Mjolnir from Scania - brass
00 Thor Schon 4 Viking mjolnir pendant replica based on an original model from Kabbarp in Scania, Sweden. With cotton cord. Zamak in brass or silver color. 4.5 x 3.5...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
6,71 €* Sold out
Buckle "Fleur de Lys" / 4 cm
09 Buck 4 LI: Buckle depicting a Medieval Fleur de Lys for belts in 4 cm width. Zamak in silver or brass color.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
8,40 €* Sold out
Lions buckle - silver color
09 Buck 4 Loe: Striking buckle with lions head in the style of the Renaissance for belts with 4 cm width. Zamak in silver or brass color. 7.5. x 6,5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
Instead of 8,40 € 6,72 €* Sold out
Endless leather strips in 2 cm
11 Endlos 2 Endless leather strips in 2 cm width on a roll of firm connected leather strips of 2.8 - 3.2 mm thickness, solid grain leather in black, brown or...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
8,40 €* Sold out
Landsknecht - wood spoon
14 Löffel Landsk Hand carved Medieval spoon made from wood, made according to a historic example of the Renaissance. 19 x 5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
8,40 €* Sold out
Elven Buckle - handforged
16 Ei-S Flat Hand forged Medieval buckle in Elven style for 5 cm broad belts for LARP or Middle Age equipment made from iron iron. 7 x 6 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Medieval cutlery fork
16 Be-Gab 3 Hand forged medieval cutlery fork of iron for historical camp life, LARP and Middle Age re-enactment. 17 x 2 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Midieval Iron Spoon - wide
16 Be-Loef 3 Hand forged medieval cutlery spoon made from a piece of iron for historical camp life, LARP and Middle Age re-enactment. 18 x 4 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Hand forged cutlery knife
16 Be-Mes 3 Hand forged Medieval cutlery knife of iron for historical camp life in LARP and Middle Age re-enactment. 16 x 3 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Medieval pewter dress fastener
06 ZIV Lind zin Medieval dress fastener with ornamental dragon design as closure for tunics and garments. Made from pewter. 9.5 x 2 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Horn scale of water buffalo
02 Horn-Qu E s Black horn scale made from genuine water buffalo horn. Ideal for crafts in LARP and Medieval re-enactment or for knife making. 14 x 4 x 1 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Viking spring scissors
16 BueSche 1 Hand forged Viking spring scissors in small size as used from the time of the Romans up to the Middle Ages. 13.5 x 2.8 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Medieval Wooden Bowl - 14 x 7 cm
14 Schale MA: S Replica of a wooden eating bowl according to historic models of the Middle Ages, for everyday life, LARP and Medieval re-enactment. 14 x 7 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Iron fastener and rivet fitting
16 Ei-S 45 N Riveted Medieval bucke replica for a belt of 4 cm width made from iron after historic examples of the Middle Ages and the Viking Time. 12 x 5.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Wooden spoon - Viking era
14 Löffel Wiking Spoon of the Vikings. Hand carved wooden spoon with dragon head based on historic examples of the Viking era (9th - 10th C). 20 x 4 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,08 €* Sold out
Medieval Iron Cutler Fork
16 Be-Gabel 1 Medieval two tine fork. Historic cutlery made from hand forged iron for LARP and Middle Age re-enactment. 17.5 x 1.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,92 €* Sold out
Medieval iron spoon
16 Be-Loeffel 1 Medieval spoon. Historic cutlery made from hand forged iron for LARP and Middle Age re-enactment. 17.5 x 3.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
10,92 €* Sold out
Viking Wooden Bowl - 16 x 7 cm
14 Schale WI: M Replica of a wooden eating bowl according to historic models of the Viking Age, for everyday life, LARP and Medieval re-enactment. 16 x 7 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
11,76 €* Sold out
Waxed Cotton Cord in 1 mm - Roll to 100 m
05 BW-R 1 s Waxed cotton cord in 1 mm thickness - roll to 100 m in black color. Ideal for amulets and pendants.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
11,76 €* Sold out
Medieval leather knife sheath
02 Scheide 5xxx Single leather sheath for a long Medieval knife. Made from supple, brown nubuck leather. Dimensions 27 x 5.5 x 2 cm. Insert of 4 x 1 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
11,76 €* Sold out
Viking pewter dress fastener
06 ZIV Urnes zin Economic Viking dress fastener / garment clasp with two ornamental Midgard Serpents in Urnes Style for tunics and garments. Quality pewter. 6.5 x 3.2...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
11,76 €* Sold out
Buckle Irish Celtic dogs
09 Buck 4 Hu: Buckle with a Celtic dog motif after an example of the Irish Middle Ages for 4 cm wide belts. Zamak in silver or brass color. Ø 6.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
13,44 €* Sold out
Dagon head buckle
09 Buck 4 DR: Striking dragon head buckle for Gothic and LARP costumes. Zamak in silver or brass color. 11 x 8 cm
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
13,44 €* Sold out
Leather knife sheath
02 Scheide 4 Leather sheath for an early medieval or a Viking knife. Made from brown cowhide. Dimensions 18 x 5 cm. Insert of 3.5 x 2 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
13,44 €* Sold out
Forged Medieval Scissors
16 Schere Haus Medieval sewing in large size, forged by hand with rolled-up handle holes. Ideal for LARP and medieval reenactment. 17,5 x 7 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
13,44 €* Sold out
Braided Viking bracelet - bronze
07 Cord 5 Flecht Braided leather armlet with hook closure in the style of the Vikings made of bronze. Black or brown. S - XXL.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 13,44 €* Sold out
Viking Bowl Lamp
16 Fußlampe Viking bowl lamp of clay - Historic oil lamp made after an original finding from Hedeby / Germany. Suitable for wax, oil and sebum. 12 x 11 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
15,08 €* Sold out
Waxed Cotton Cord in 2 mm - Roll to 100 m
05 BW-R 2 s Waxed cotton cord in 2 mm thickness - roll to 100 m in black. Ideal for amulets and pendants.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
15,12 €* Sold out
Wallet - strap and buckle fastener
01 Kno-T 2 Leather belt wallet with buckle. Ideal for everyday wear, traditional and Medieval costumes. 14 x 10 x 2,5 cm. Black and brown.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
15,92 €* Sold out
Leather wallet in classic design
01 Kno-T 1 Classic leather belt wallet of firm leather with strap and buckle fastener. Ideal for everyday wear or Medieval costumes. 15 x 11 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
15,92 €* Sold out
Viking dress clasp
06 ZIV Mid zin Viking dress clasp with ornamental Midgard Serpent for tunics and garments made from quality pewter. 9,5 x 2.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
16,80 €* Sold out
Viking era knife blade
02 Messerklinge LZ Slim Viking knife blade of high carbon steel after models of the Viking era. Perfect for for knife crafring in Viking re-enactment. 18.5 x 2 cm,...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
16,80 €* Sold out
100 Cross-slotted Jingle Bells - XS / 14 mm
06 K-302 XS - 100 Jingle bells in the shape of Medieval bells with cross-slot head. Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 14 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 16,81 €* Sold out
13 Wachstafel xxx
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
18,48 €* Sold out
100 Cross-slotted Jingle Bells - S / 16 mm
06 K-303 S - 100 Jingle bell in the shape of Medieval bells with cross-slot head. Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 16 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 18,49 €* Sold out
100 Jingle Bells - XS / 11 mm
06 R0 XS - 100 Jingle bells in Medieval style made from iron sheet in brass or silver color. 11 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 19,24 €* Sold out
Leather Wallet with hook clasp
01 Kno-T 1H Classic leather belt wallet with hook clasp fastener for everyday wear and Medieval costumes. Black and brown leather. 14 x 10 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
19,29 €* Sold out
Leather bag with hook clasp
01 Kno-T 2H Leather belt pouch of timeless beauty with metal hook clasp closure for everyday wear and Medieval costumes. 14 x 10 x 2,5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
19,29 €* Sold out
Pewter spoon of the Middle Ages
13 Da-Loeff Z Replica of a pewter spoon of the Late Middle Ages according to a historical model from England. Perfect for Medieval re-enactment. 16 x 4.5 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
21,00 €* Sold out
Genuine damasus steel Mjoelnir
16 An TH-Dam 1 Thor's Hammer / Mjoelnir pendant forged from genuine damascus steel with 256 layers. With leather cord. 3.3 x 3 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
21,00 €* Sold out
Viking neck-knife with  sheath
02 M-Neck Wik Viking Neck knife. Hand forged from high-carbon steel, with sheath and leather cord to hang around the neck. 12 x 2.5 cm. Edge 7 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
21,00 €* Sold out
Medieval Cutlery Set
16 Be-Set 3 - SA Hand forged Medieval Cutlery Set consists of iron spoon, fork and knife for historical life, LARP and Middle Age re-enactment.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
21,00 €* Sold out
Medieval scissors with sheath
16 Schere MA-Fut Hand forged scissors with leather sheath for Medieval re-enactment, based on historical models of the late Middle Ages. 17 x 9 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
23,52 €* Sold out
Knife making kit
02 MBS 12 b Knife crafting kit, including a 17 cm long blade, various materials for the knife handle and the leather sheath and an instruction manual.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
25,20 €* Sold out
Sword chape from Hedeby - silver plated
07 OB Haithabu - SA Faithful replica of an authentic sword chape of the Viking Age according to a historic finding from Hedeby / Germany. Bronze or silver plated. 6.5 x...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 26,88 €* Sold out
Knife crafting kit
02 MBS 16 n Knife crafting kit, including a 16.5 cm high carbon blade and various materials for the knife handle and the sheath and an instruction manual.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
29,40 €* Sold out
Medieval Cutlery Set
16 Be-Set 3 Hand forged Medieval Cutlery Set consists of iron spoon, fork and knife for historical life, LARP and Middle Age re-enactment.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
30,24 €* Sold out
Medieval trammel hook
16 Kessel-Sae - C Small medieval trammel hook. This kettle hook is forged by hand from iron according to historic models from the Middle Ages. 37 x 7 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
31,92 €* Sold out
100 Jingle Bells - S / 15 mm
06 R1 S - 100 Jingle bells in Medieval style made from iron sheet in brass or silver color. 15 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 32,77 €* Sold out
Damascus steel knife blade
02 Klinge LZ - DAM Slim Viking knife blade of damascus steel after a historical model. Perfect for knives in Medieval and Viking re-enactment. 18.5 x 2 cm, cutting edge...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
33,61 €* Sold out
100 Cross-slotted Jingle Bells - M / 19 mm
06 K-304 M - 100 Jingle bells in the shape of Medieval bells with cross-slot head. Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 19 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 33,61 €* Sold out
Viking and germanic blowing horn
04 Rufhorn - Kl Acoustic horn of the Vikings and Germanic tribes from real horn with mouthpiece and brass with brass rim in 40 - 45 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
33,61 €* Sold out
Hand crafted Viking knife
02 M-WI breit Simple Viking knive with walnut wood handle and carbon steel blade. Including leather sheath. 21 cm. Cutting edge 10 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
42,01 €* Sold out
Knife making kit - damascus steel
02 MBS 10 bxxx Knife crafting kit, including a 15.5 cm damascus steel blade, various materials for the knife handle and the leather sheath and an instruction manual.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
46,21 €* Sold out
100 Jingle Bells - M / 19 mm
06 R3 M - 100 Jingle bells in Medieval style, made from Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 19 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 46,22 €* Sold out
Set of medieval scissors
16 Scheren-SET Set of five different medieval scissors, forged by hand according to historical models. Ideal for medieval re-enactment.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
54,61 €* Sold out
100 Cross-slotted Jingle Bells - L / 22 mm
06 K-305 L - 100 Jingle bell in the shape of Medieval bells with cross-slot head. Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 22 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 57,98 €* Sold out
Knife making kit
02 MBS 7 b Knife crafting kit, including a damascus steel blade, various materials for the knife handle and the leather sheath and an instruction manual.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
63,02 €* Sold out
100 Jingle Bells - L / 24 mm
06 R4 L - 100 Jingle bells in Medieval style, made from Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 24 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 65,55 €* Sold out
Large Medieval Grill Grate
16 Grillrost-GR Large forged grill grate after historical models from the Middle Ages and the Viking era with chain for hanging. Approximately 48 x 68 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
66,39 €* Sold out
Roman bronze mirror
13 BroSpie
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
67,14 €* Sold out
Viking beaker replica from Fejø
13 Cup Fejoe SA Faithful replica of the famous Fejø Beaker which was found in Denmark, dating to the 8th century AD. Made from food safe pewter. 8.5 x 7.5 cm. 0.25 l.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
67,22 €* Sold out
Knife making kit
02 MBS 5 b Knife crafting kit, including a damascus steel blade, various materials for the knife handle and the leather sheath and an instruction manual.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
67,22 €* Sold out
100 Cross-slotted Jingle Bells - XL / 25 mm
06 K-306 XL - 100 Jingle bells in the shape of Medieval bells with cross-slot head. Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 25 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 74,79 €* Sold out
100 suede leather laces
05 Wild-Band / 100 Suede leather laces in various colours for all kinds of leather crafts. 5 x 1.5 mm. 100 cm / 100 laces....
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
79,82 €* Sold out
Round leather laces of 2 mm
05 Rund Rind / 100 Round leather cords of cow hide for pendants and amulets. Available in black, brown, natural or mixed colours. 2 mm x 1 m. 100 pcs.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
79,82 €* Sold out
100 Jingle Bells - XL / 29 mm
06 R6 XL - 100 Jingle bells in Medieval style, made from Iron sheet in brass or silver color. 29 mm diameter. 100 pieces.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
from 84,03 €* Sold out
Viking Sax from Gotland
02 Langmesser Short Viking sax of damascus steel with brass fitted handle and leather sheath after a model of the Viking era from Gotland. 31 x 3 cm length. blade...
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
134,45 €* Sold out
Damascus Viking knife from Gotland
02 Messer Helvi Long Viking knife from Gotland with a blade of genuine Damascus steel and a walnut handle with brass inlays. 31 x 3 cm, blade length 19 cm.
Sold out Status:Sold out
Not available
134,45 €* Sold out
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