16 Fi klein 2
This small ring brooch has a diameter of 5 cm and was widely used in the Viking period as part of the drapery. Made from hand forged iron.
16 Fi Tord 5
Viking penannular brooch - Iron hand forged ring fibula replica with curled-up ends and torsion for LARP and Medieval re-enactment. Ø 7 cm.
16 Fi Roem 2
Large Roman omega fibula replica for Roman and Medieval re-enactment. Forged by hand from iron. Perfect for closing heavy capes. 9 x 8 cm.
Dealers for museum supplies, medieval and Viking re-enactment or LARP are cordially invited to register as retailer for wholesale in Pera Peri's medieval shop. We guarantee the best quality at good prices with short delivery times!
Forged leg wrap brooch of the Viking Age.
Here you can buy a small horseshoe brooch, also called penannular brooch, with a diameter of 2.5 cm, forged by hand and ideal for closing a calf wrap or neckline.
The horseshoe brooch, forged from a 3 mm round bar, has rolled ends and a beautiful matt black surface.
Diameter of the penannular brooch: 2.5 cm, needle length 3.5 cm.
With its small diameter and short needle, this hand forged Viking brooch is perfect for closing the neckline on a robe or the leg wraps, but it can also be used to attach the tip of a Viking cap.
The horseshoe brooch was particularly widespread in the Viking period between 790 and 1060 and was used to easily close a robe or cape.