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Replica of a Roman omega brooch from the 2nd century AD.
Here you can buy an authentic Roman omega brooch based on a historical model from the 2nd century AD.
Such ring brooches in the shape of an omega were an almost unchanged part of the Roman costume from the early imperial period until the 4th century.
The diameter of the Roman omega brooch is 9 cm.
The pin is 10 cm long.
The Roman omega brooch is made of solid cast brass and is strong enough to close a heavy woollen coat with.
The Omega brooch is one of the longest used and most widely used brooches. The Omega brooch is originally of Spanish origin and probably spread through Ibero-Gallic auxiiary troops of the Romans via Gaul to the Rhine, where it was widely used around the birth of Christ, especially in military units.
Omega brooches at that time could also measure only 2 to 6 cm, with the smallest ring brooches probably being used more as (shoe) buckles. In Germanic graves of the 2nd century, for example, leather armour was found that was closed by omega brooches attached to the sides.
Similar brooches were in use especially in the Viking period, e.g. to close the cloak. The needle of the omega brooch is simply inserted on the shoulder through the wrapped fabric of the cloak and then locked with the round part so that the omega brooch cannot come loose.