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Viking turtle brooch replica after a norwegian model from the late Vendel or early Viking period. Bronze, silver-plated or 925 silver. 6.3 x 3.0 cm.
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Small oval brooch from the Viking Age.
Here you can buy a small bowl brooch from the Viking Age, which is designed with an openwork motif in the Borre style.
According to the classification of archaeologist Jan Petersen, the historical model for this small oval brooch is called a type P 51 brooch and dates to the 9th century. Link to the historical model...
The Viking oval brooch of type P 51 was particularly widespread in western Norway, but was also found in almost all other areas settled by Vikings and accounts for almost half of all bowl brooches found in the Viking Age.
In contrast to the historical model, this replica is greatly reduced in size. High-quality bronze or genuine silver-plated.
Oval brooch dimensions: 5.8 x 4.2 cm.
On the back of the small bowl brooch is a sturdy needle, which makes the brooch also suitable for strong woollen cloth.
The oval brooch was an integral part of women's garments in the Viking Age and served to connect the apron to the overdress.
As the oval brooch was always worn in pairs in the Viking Age, it is advisable to order two pieces. The price is for a single oval brooch.