09 Ma-En 2:A
Replica of a strap end fitting of the Late Medieval era for belts of 2 width in Middle Age re-enactment. Zamak in brass or silver color. 6 x 2.2 cm.
10 MA 2:A Z
Long leather belt of the Late Middle Ages in 2 cm width from strong grain hide in black or brown with historic zamak buckle and strap end replica.
Dealers for museum supplies, medieval and Viking re-enactment or LARP are cordially invited to register as retailer for wholesale in Pera Peri's medieval shop. We guarantee the best quality at good prices with short delivery times!
Renaissance bucklefrom thelate Middle Agesforbelts of 1.5 cm width.
Beautifulreplica of ahistoricbucklefromthe Renaissance from the time of 1600.
The buckle is suitablefor straps 1.5 cm wideand as wellas aclosurefor shoesand historic pouches. Just ideal fordraperyin Renaissance and Medievalre-enactment.